Self care is important, y’all. Deeply important. And I’m preaching to myself. Because I spend all day working, checking social media, worrying and often being filled with anxiety with our modern world’s problems.
At the end of the day, I fall into bed unable to sleep. And then I promise it will be different tomorrow. But it won’t unless you create a routine of taking care of yourself and your mental health. Which is why a 30 Day Self Care Checklist with daily prompts is SO IMPORTANT!

What I have found the hard way is that self care is not selfish. It’s not indulgent. IT IS NECESSARY!
I can’t be any good to anyone else unless I am good to myself, as well.
While the first things that you might think of when it comes to self care are massages, fancy pedicures or shopping sprees, that’s just NOT self care. At least not every day.
You need to find small ways every day to take care of yourself. To give yourself a break and some Grace. To destress and relax.
So here is a 30 Day Self Care Checklist for your mental health and physical health. There are daily ideas for taking care of yourself in small ways. Treat it like a routine if you want, or use the bingo-like cards to mix things up every 30 days. Download the list and print it out or keep it on your phone.
Whatever you do, just DO SOMETHING for yourself today!
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30 Days of Self Care Ideas
- Buy Flowers for Yourself This is definitely one of my favorite ways of self-care. I love flowers!!!! But I used to feel that I shouldn’t spend money on them. I’ve found that I can get a $3 bouquet at the grocery store and it lasts a week or more. Plus, it makes me so happy to see the flowers. Here’s more ways that flowers bring happiness into your life, and the best places to order them online. Another great way to have beautiful flowers is to order through The Bouqs. I personally have loved every bouquet I’ve got!
- Read a Book I have to say, when I don’t read books, I miss it. Whether you love mystery or fiction or learning new facts with a non-fiction title, a little bit of reading can really transport you to another time and place and make you forget your worries and cares.
- Take a Detox Bath Soaking in a bath feels indulgent. Yet it actually is good for your health, especially if you use a detox bath that can draw out impurities or ease muscle aches. Try these bath flakes to calm muscles.
- Take a Long Walk in Nature Doctors around the world are starting to prescribe time outdoors as part of their healthcare suggestions. So it only makes sense that you should enjoy nature therapy, too.
- Get a Massage Whether you pay for a massage or just enjoy a deep tissue massager at home, relaxing tight and tense muscles is good for your body. And might make you feel less tense.
- Eat a Big Salad Proper nutrition plays a big role in how you feel. Eating lots of vegetables and fruit is definitely a necessary way of self care.
- Get Around 8 Hours of Sleep You need sleep to feel good. So don’t stay up late working or get up early to do things that you hate. And create an oasis of rest in your bedroom with the right temperature for sleep and decluttering your bedroom for proper rest.
- Do a 10 Minute Meditation Before Bed Releasing the tensions of the day can help you rest better. Consider these sleep meditations.
- Have a Phone-Free Day This is SO important for being present in the moment and not getting caught up in stress, anxiety and comparison. Check out my Social Media Detox checklist for even more ideas and a way to track how much time you spend online.
- Apply a Face Mask It’s like a spa day, but much cheaper! This clay mask is among the best!
- Call Someone You Love Human connection is so important. Be in the moment and appreciate that you can call someone you love. Then really take time to listen to what they say and have a distraction-free conversation.
- Schedule a Doctor’s and Dental Visit Taking care of yourself physically is definitely self-care.
- Plant Something Whether you garden outdoors or add more houseplants to your home, it’s nice to be surrounded by nature. Consider these houseplants that are great at detoxing the air.
- List 10 Things You Are Grateful For If you’re in the middle of something hard, it might feel like you’re not thankful for anything. But there’s ALWAYS something to be grateful for!!! I love this amazing journal for writing down what you are thankful for, and for the amazing prompts it has on how to look at your life in a positive way.
- Watch Your Favorite Movie of All Time Laugh, cry or be scared. Just don’t check your phone or do laundry at the same time you’re enjoying your flick.
- Declutter 5 Things From Your Closet Choose 5 things – whether it’s clothing, shoes, bags, etc. – and you’ll be amazed at how much lighter you feel afterward. Use my 30 Declutter Checklist if you want more ideas of how to lighten your load.
- Have a Solo Dance Party Not only will this substitute as your cardio workout for the day, but you’ll feel so light and free, too! It’s amazing what movement can do for your soul and mind!
- Listen to Your Favorite Music Whatever music you listen to, indulge! There are 2,000,000 songs to choose from for free on Prime Music when you have Amazon Prime. It’s an often-unknown secret, but it’s true! (Plus you’ll get all the other benefits of Prime.)
- Get a Manicure and Pedicure Whether you pay someone else, or you DIY at home, taking care of yourself is an important part of self care. Some of my favorite nail polishes are from Mineral Fusion.
- Read Your Favorite Magazine I’ve got a pile of magazines that I get for free from the library by my bed side. When I want to take a few minutes and unwind or escape from the world, I simply choose one and start flipping through. Another amazing benefit of Amazon Prime (in addition to free music, above) is that you can read online magazines for free, too!
- Stretch I think the older you get, the more you realize how important stretching is to keeping your muscles lean, fit and feeling great. Stretch gently (you can stretch in bed, too) and find some simply instructional videos on YouTube.
- Say No to Something You Don’t Feel Like Doing Taking back your time and energy is the ultimate in self-care. If it doesn’t make your heart sing, so to speak, say no unless you absolutely can’t. I’ve also heard others say, “If it’s not a hell-yeah then it’s a hell-no.”
- Watch the Sunrise Every day I watch the sunrise, it’s like watching a miracle happen. There is something so calming and energizing at the same time about witnessing the beginning of a new day.
- Go Out for Coffee and Cake Indulging doesn’t always have to cost a fortune. A pastry and coffee can be a perfect way of dining out without spending a lot.
- Cook a Fancy Meal for Yourself Get some cookbooks, or look online, for recipes you might consider for a fancy party. Then make it for dinner. There’s no reason to put anything off until tomorrow!
- Get Dressed Up for No Reason This one always works for me. It’s kind of like a mind trick. If you feel fancy and powerful, then your mind actually starts to believe that it’s true. Dressing nicely is an act of self-confidence. I’ve heard of so many grandmothers who refuse to start their day without putting on lipstick and jewelry. I like that approach. Get ready for whatever the day may bring, and expect it to be so good that you need to look prepared for it!
- Watch Funny Clips on YouTube There are plenty of entertainment channels that will make you laugh until you cry. I love this classic clip of animals “talking” from the BBC.
- Write Out Your Bucket List Whether it’s a bucket list of travel, recipes to cook or books to read, create your list right now. Then start checking things off the list.
- Try a New Craft Expressing your creativity is definitely a way to release stress, feel confident about what you do, and develop a new part of yourself that you might not even know existed. There’s plenty of crafts or hobbies you can try. Visit for a lot of great craft inspiration.
- Stargaze in Your Backyard I used to go on the porch and watch stars at night when I lived in the country. It always, always soothed me. It makes you realize that there is a big world out there, and your problems right now might not be as big as they seem. I absolutely love this guide to the stars, so what you’re looking at makes sense if you’re interested in constellations. Consider a small telescope that’s easy to set up for even more night-sky wonder.
So, those are some ideas for a self care checklist. What would you put on the list, too? Let me and my readers know in the comments below.