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DIY Sinus Congestion Relief Bath Salts Recipe

DIY Congestion Relief Bath Salts Recipe for hot baths that could help naturally ease sinus congestion and relieve sore muscles.

Sinus Congestion relief bath salts in wooden bowl with spoon and brown essential oil bottles on marble background

If you have got a cold, you are looking for anything that can help you breathe easier and get rid of nasal congestion. And chances are, if you have a cold, you also feel achy and have sore muscles.

Gain relief from sinus congestion and aching muscles with this natural remedy of DIY Bath Salts with essential oils.

You can make these homemade bath salts with non-toxic ingredients that are easy to find at the drugstore. No need to special order anything so that you can start feeling better right away!

This DIY Vapor Rub Stick is a recipe that can bring some relief, too.

It goes without saying that you should ask your physician about your specific health needs and whether detox baths are okay for you. If you have any medical conditions, such as pregnancy or high blood pressure, that could be affected by hot baths or detoxing, then play it safe before trying this natural bath for cold relief.

What Can I Put in My Bath When I’m Sick?

Sinus Congestion relief bath salts in wooden bowl with spoon and brown essential oil bottles on marble background

When you’re sick or have a cold, you just want to feel better fast! And a hot bath can help congestion and ease achy muscles.

But not just any hot bath.

While hot water will naturally ease aches and pains in your muscles, and relieve sinus pressure, adding a few natural ingredients can really increase how much better you will feel.

Epsom Salt in Bath for a Cold

Epsom salt is a naturally occurring mineral (otherwise known as magnesium sulfate). And you can find it at all drugstores and most supermarkets. Plus, it’s inexpensive if you’re just getting the basic bag.

Which is a good thing. Because according to the Epsom Salt Council, many doctors believe soaking in Epsom salts will help detoxify your body faster and speed up healing.

Research has shown that soaking in an epsom salt bath does increase the amount of sulfate and magnesium in your body, and that can be a good thing. Magnesium is the second-most prevalent element in your cells and it helps in hundreds of processes, including detoxification.

Epsom salts also let your body increase vasodilation. The vasodilation process is the way that your body naturally increases white blood cells, which then in turn help to fight off illness.

Baking Soda Baths

Baking soda box next to glass bowl of nasal decongestant bath salts on white wooden table

Putting baking soda in your bath is a natural way to get soft skin and detox. And while you probably don’t care about gaining soft skin when you feel bad from a cold, you probably will care about the detoxification!

Baking soda, which is sodium bicarbonate, is another natural wonder that works great in a bath. It can:

  • Reduce itching
  • Calm swelling
  • Relieve tension and pain
  • Boost circulation

The wonderful thing with baking soda is that it has an alkaline property to it. And that’s what can help you feel better. Your body should be in a neutral state, but bordering on alkaline. When you’re sick (or just with normal life these days) your body tends to run towards acidic. By helping your body to reach a more alkaline state, you will be removing toxins. (Did you know that the acid in orange juice alkalizes your body? Weird, but true.)

Baking soda is used in my DIY bath fizzies, too. These bath fizzies can be used anytime, but I did add essential oils that could help boost the immune system when I made them.

Essential Oils

I love using essential oils to clear up congestion. I have to admit, I’m not a big user of essential oils in my every day life. But when I start feeling a cold coming on, that’s when I grab all of my bottles of oils and start inhaling the natural plant-based oils.

Personally, I really love opening up a bottle of an essential oil designed for congestion relief and breathing in the smell. I instantly notice sinus congestion relief. (Eden’s Garden Breathe Easier is a favorite of mine.)

adding essential oils to sinus relief bath soak bath salts in glass bowl

Adding the same essential oils to your bath can add to the benefits of a hot bath and detoxing from Epsom salts and baking soda. By adding the essential oils that can clear up congestion, including peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary, you can sit back and relax while letting the vapor action take effect.

Did you know that eucalyptus oil is one of the key ingredients in Vicks VapoRub?

DIY Congestion Relief Bath Salt Recipe for Colds

Making a bath soak with bath salts to naturally ease nasal congestion is super simple.

All it takes is stirring the ingredients together.

That’s it.

Sinus Congestion relief bath salts recipe ingredients bag of epsom salt box of baking soda essential oil bottles and coloring

You will combine Epsom salts, baking soda and essential oils in a bowl. (See printable recipe card below for ingredient amounts.)

Whisk the ingredients together and you’re done!

nasal decongestant relief bath salts recipe whisking blue powder in glass bowl with brown essential oil bottles nearby
Sinus Congestion relief bath salts in wooden bowl with spoon and brown essential oil bottles on marble background

If you want to make homemade gifts, or if you’d like to make a big batch of nasal decongestant bath salts for a pretty display in your bathroom and to have on hand if you start feeling a cold, then you might want to add some coloring.

You don’t need coloring for this natural congestion relief bath salt recipe to work.

However, if you want to make the DIY bath salts look pretty, then you can customize with coloring.

We suggest starting with a small amount of the congestion relief bath salts, but you can certainly use more than we call for. I’ve seen health professionals call for up to 4 cups of Epsom salts at a time in a bath for true detoxification effects. Obviously this recipe doesn’t give you that strength in just one batch. So double or triple the amount for more powerful detoxing.

Sinus Congestion relief bath salts in wooden bowl with spoon and brown essential oil bottles on marble background

Sinus Congestion Relief Bath Salts

Yield: 2 cups
Active Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Difficulty: Easy

Natural bath salts that ease sinus congestion and sore muscle pain.


  • 1 1/2 cups Epsom salts
  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 20 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 20 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 15 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 7 drops blue soap colorant (optional)
  • 5 drops yellow soap colorant (optional)


  1. Add the Epsom salts and baking soda to a mixing bowl. Combine with a whisk or spoon.
  2. Add the essential oils and stir well to evenly distribute the oils.
  3. If desired, mix in the soap colorants. Stir until your desired shade of green is achieved. 
  4. Put in an airtight glass container and store in a cool and dry place.


To Use: Add 1 cup of the sinus congestion relief bath salts to your warm bath water. Stir with your hand to dissolve the bath salts. These vaporizing bath salts are ideal for when you have sinus congestion from a cold.

Essential oils can be used in a diffuser, too, for natural sinus congestion relief. Don’t limit yourself to nasal decongestion only in a hot bath! I love using essential oil diffusers. You can have it on in your home all day long to get continuous vapors for sinus relief.

This wellness foot soak recipe is a great way to warm your feet. It’s made with ingredients found in doTERRA’s On Guard essential oil blend, which is known for its ability to help support the immune system.

Sinus Congestion relief bath salts in wooden bowl with spoon and brown essential oil bottles on marble background

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Saturday 1st of January 2022

Since I had Covid a few months ago, I have had full body aches daily and sinus issues continuously. I also made it for a friend who currently has Covid and is having a lot of sinus issues from the Covid. I did mine before bed, and I didn't ache all night and she said it helped her sinus issues a lot...she was feeling absolutely awful. Thank you so much!

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